Purple Lotus Productions
Purple Lotus Productions is a family owned business run by a Mother and Daughter Duo, Erin McNamara and Robin Selby. Robin started helping keep Erin organized while doing readings at Psychic Fairs. When Robin began displaying her hand crafted items people were delighted and Purple Lotus was born. The collaboration of Robin, through her artistic gifts, and Erin, through her intuitive gifts, creates products and services that offer encouragement and inspiration for your journey of spiritual enlightenment and awakening. These items are fun and beautiful bringing healing and joy to body, mind and spirit making them excellent gifts for yourself and others. PLP’s offerings include Bath products, Hand Crafted Cards, One of a Kind Art Pieces, Amazing Jewelry and Reiki, Tarot, and Healing Sessions. As well as Workshops, Parties and Expo Production. Like them on Facebook www.facebook.com/PurpleLotusProductions to learn about new product offerings and events and shows where you can meet them in person. www.PurpleLotusProductions.com PurpleLotusProductions@gmail.com
Jennifer Morrison – Medical Intuitive and Shamanic Healer
Jennifer will NOT be able to attend this event. She is currently in residence in Hawaii for the rest of the year. She looks forward to connecting with you at future events. She will still offer private sessions via phone or online video.
Jennifer offers loving support to those with health concerns and those with emotional upheaval in their lives. Her private Medical Intuitive Sessions are 90-minute and 120-minute and are by phone and video conference. She offers this for Adults and Children. See her website for special year-end discount. Also see her website for details on how she conducts her sessions / what to expect.
She also offers Spiritual Life Coaching, Animal Communication / Healing, and Home/Land/Business Blessings.
Session Benefits: Jennifer provides a host of support service for your personal transformation in health, relationships, transitioning your career, increasing happiness, stepping into your personal gifts and much more. She lives as an example of the thrilling life you can have following your bliss. She wants the same for you!
Carolyn S. Hodge – Soul Igniter Intuitive Tarot Reader and Author of Spirit Familes
Hello! My name is Carolyn S. Hodge, (Soul Igniter). I am an intuitive Tarot Card reader/advisor and author of a spiritual children’s book. Although teaching was my main occupation for many years and I loved working with students, I’ve always had a nagging in my soul to teach beyond the traditional sense. I sensed my purpose was to do spiritual work. I was drawn to studying spirituality through a metaphysical perspective. I have led and been a part of spiritual study groups. I studied and obtained a Novitiate Certificate from Sylvia Browne’s church, The Society of Novus Spiritus. In addition, I have completed courses to learn the art of reading Tarot cards and to develop my intuitive abilities. My children’s book, “Spirit Families” was inspired by my perceived idea that children need to be aware that they have spirit families on the other side attending to them and helping them to feel safe and secure. This book has been a vision for many years and is now manifested. My hope is that many children and parents will be delighted with it and pass it on to future generations, as I will with my grandson. Links to booksellers selling my book in eBook form are available on my site at www.souligniter.com I will also have printed copies for sell at the fair. I look forward to meeting all you ignited souls!
Kerrin Langford – Destiny Cards – Love cards and Work advice
Maximize your potential through your own personalized destiny chart. We all impact and are impacted by each person based on our charts. Get the most out of your interpersonal connection by understanding the reason you came together and how to ensure the most out of your connection. I am an expert in the area of synthesizing a person’s astrological chart with their destiny card chart. I like to connect the main themes to come up with a picture of that person and who they are. I appreciate that there isn’t a one size fits all…you may be a scorpio but with gemini overtones, etc. In astrology each individual’s chart is only repeated every 25000 years. I take Destiny cards in combination to your astrological chart and synthesize those two together. Through my experience with astrology since I was 11, and my experience with Destiny cards since 2011, the two together are incredibly accurate. Oftentimes what they will reveal will surprise scare excite or Amaze you. You can walk through life blind or making a conscious choice to have your destiny read to you. Destiny is defined as the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future or fate. Henry Ford once said failure is the opportunity to Begin Again more intelligently that’s why you need the destiny template. Whether you want to know more about your friendship, your coworker, love, or why you keep attracting the same damn s*** give me a call and we’ll discuss. http://kikkilovecards.com 509-680-2386
Leslie Anne – Intuitive Practitioner
Leslie Anne is a passionate and gifted psychic, medium, healer and channeler with a clear connection to spirit. She relays images, sounds and messages from those who have crossed over, with a compassionate and gentle demeanor, making her a uniquely approachable communicator. Through Angelic Reiki (certified), energy or chakra readings, she is able to pinpoint and identify the source of blocked or slowed energy. Psychometrics (handling objects) helps create a stronger connection during her readings. Leslie Anne is a reader at the distinguished Edgar Cayce Center in Virginia Beach, Virginia and continues to broaden her wide range of senses throughout the Austin area and the U.S.
“Your Experience is my Privilege”415.271.0075